Welcome to our website!
Our greatest desire is for the world to come to know our heavenly Father. We believe in a God who accepts us as we are, loves us infinitely, and wants to know us personally. Our mission is to help our neighbors realize this love.
We are His. He is Ours.
If you're new on our website, this is the place to go! Get to know us, learn about what we do, and shoot us any questions you may have.
On this page: Who We Are | Our Ministries | Contact Us
Aside from Church Services and Bible Study Groups, known as Sabbath School classes, every Saturday, we have various other events you may be interested in.
On this page: Our Calendar
Watch past or live sermons on our YouTube page. We stream live every Saturday at about 10:50 AM.
On this page: Live Streams | Archived Sermons
This page is home to resources targeted mainly to our members, or others interested. You can find our weekly church bulletin, the quarterly newsletter--The Trumpet, Online Giving, and handy links on this page.
On this page: AdventistGiving | Church Bulletin | The Trumpet